03 May 2008
30 April 2008
The fun is over.
Cheerleaders in the newly started domestic cricket turnier have taking Indian cricket by storm, but some were from the start wondering if this conservative VICTORIAN STYLE South Asian nation is ready for dancers with bulging breasts and gyrating bellies parading in packed stadium. Although the start was intelligent, not Indian girls (which have to be protected from eve- teasing and any other masculine impact) but foreign cheerleaders were imported to India for the inauguration of the India Premier League (IPL), a shortened form of traditional cricket that transforms the game into a more glitzy U.S.-style sponsored sport event.
The sight of many foreign women and few Indians dancing in high boots and skimpy shorts sparked anger and it was said it crudely copied Western culture.
Indians now say it is affront to Indian culture while a few of the cheerleaders themselves complain lewd comment and insults from spectators is making their job a misery.” It’s been horrendous," Tabitha, a cheerleader from Uzbekistan, told the Hindustan Times. ""Wherever we go we do expect people to pass lewd, snide remarks but I'm shocked by the nature and magnitude of the comments people pass here
"What the cheerleaders are doing during cricket matches is ten times more vulgar than what used to happen in dance bars of Mumbai," Nitin Gadkari, leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Maharashtra state, home to the Mumbai Indians. The BJP is India's main opposition party, which was part of a coalition, which banned popular bars in Mumbai where girls would dance on stage to Bollywood tunes.
"If we could ban dance bars, how can we allow such vulgar dance in a cricket field. I am getting huge complaints and cheerleaders must be banned immediately from entering a cricket field," Gadkari said.
In the IT hub of Bangalore, a housewife, said U.S. cheerleaders were an affront to India.
"What is the purpose of this display? It is embarrassing,"
On last Friday, Navi Mumbai police softened their stand of not allowing cheerleaders at the games, saying the entertainers had valid performance licences. Any vulgarity, however, would invite strict action, Navi Mumbai police chief Ramrao Wagh said.
“The dances should be decent and the clothes sober. The licence law is clear about vulgarity in performances,” Wagh said. He could not define vulgarity, though: “It’s difficult to define; it’s a grey area... Even courts have not defined it clearly. The officer on the spot will decide.”
Wagh refused to say if any cheerleader had been ‘vulgar’ so far. He had not seen any match, he said. But, he insisted, “their performances in the city will be very different from what you have seen so far”.
Wagh found a supporter in distant Bengal. Sports minister Subhas Chakraborty expressed strong reservations against the “wild dancing”, adding, “It goes against the grain of our tradition and culture.” He promised to take up the matter with Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. West Bengal Water Resources Minister Nandagopal Bhattacharya, who demanded a ban on the cheerleaders, endorsed his views.
The future dress code her in a draft design
And now it was decided that there will be no more cheerleaders and wild and “nude” dancing in cricket anymore. Poor country. Although we have to be honest 50 years ago it would have been a reason for discussion in the WEST too.
Posted by
Pinus Silvestris
Labels: Bharatiya Janata, bulging breast, cheerleaders, domestic cricket, gyrating belly, ICL, IPL, Nitin Gadkari, red faces, skimpy shorts, vulgar
PM Manmohan Singh said recently:
The female foeticide figures for 2001 showed that Punjab had only 798 girls (per 1000 boys) Haryana 819, Delhi 868 and Gujarat 883. The child sex ratio statistics in the 0- 6 years old group for the past few decades as have shown a continuous decline. The decline in number of girls per 1000 boys from 962 in 1981 to 927 in the year 2001 was alarming
“I urge every citizen to step forward and help in empowering the girl child. The action must begin at home, in our families. I do not say this as a prime minister of India. I say this as a proud father of 3 daughters. I wish for every girl in our country what I wish for my own daughters. Social discrimination against women begins in our homes and even before the child is born. One of the most inhuman, uncivilised and reprehensible practices is the female foeticide. The patriarchal mindset and the preference for male children are compounded by unethical conduct on the part of some medical practitioners who illegally offer sex determination services. We must overcome this great problem by social awareness and strict enforcement of the Pre- Conception and Pre- Natal Diagnostics Technique Act. Female illiteracy, obscurantist social practices, like child marriage and early marriage dowry, poor nutritional entitlements and taboos on woman in public places making the Indian women and especially the Indian girl child extremely vulnerable. The National Literacy Mission should be reoriented to improve the female literacy and challenge the adverse sex ratio in the country.”
Indeed wise words from a wise man. Myself I still think that the control of sex determination will not give any improvement to the figures, the improvement has to be come out of the families and the mindset of the people as stipulated before.
Posted by
Pinus Silvestris
Labels: Delhi, dowry, female foeticide, foeticide, Haryana, India, literacyy, PM, prime minister, Punjab, sex ratio, social discrimination
28 April 2008
Posted by
Pinus Silvestris
27 April 2008
Saturday, I had the idea, I have to drive to Sohna with my bicycle, go to the hill and detect the sulphurous sources. Looking at the google satelite map, it seemed to me like 20 km. In my age 40 km on a bicycle is already quite a trip but, I thought I go for that. Towards Sohna it went so smoothly I was wondering where I got all the power and energy to drive so fast. Arrived already at 11:00 at Sohna and after a delicious soda water (small things taste the best under these circomstances) I decided to go up up to the hill in Sohna(touristic guidance downloaded from internet promised a beautifull perspective). The ramp to the hill was quite steep, most of the Indian trucks (old TATA) had difficulties and came in first gear, emittining dark exhaust has if it was running on coal. At the beginning of the climb I was still faster than the trucks, later I had to switch to lowest gear and got it all. After the ill I felt that muscles are not in best conditions anymore and I still had to make 30 km back. (my quite rough estimation was wrong , so made already 30 km)
The top of the hill was a total disappointment, there are some houses of Haryana Tourist Centre , but all closed ... I would state the usual Indian procedure as long as governemental organisations are concerned. Could not even get any water. So I went back down- hill and there I detected a tent, with two people, to me they looked like a homosexual Sadhu couple, but that might have been not the right impression. At least I got some water. After the descent, I was desperately looking for shadow. For me it was clear my skin had already too much, I need food and shadow. Bought one Kg of oranges. They were fine but still was missing shadow. After all I find a place in the shadow to eat the oranges and people were so nice, I even got a chair. Unfortunately it was close to a tree, having received already since middle age uge quantities of male urine to his stam… so after the oranges I had to move again. Went to the shadow of a shop for sweets, buying again soda water but also one of the very tasty and for my sugar contant very helpfull marcipan sweets. I stayed there for one our sitting on a primitive bank in the front of the barber shop, with no possibility to take any pictures (in the front was a kiosk) but I knew I had to be in the shadow, this was the most important.
At 15:00 I started my ride back, muscles were still in good condition, hurting just a little. But I knew I still had to drive 30 km … and than I find out that the reason that the ride towards Sohna was so smooth, was because I had all the time the wind in the back. Now the wind was in the front and being stronger and stronger . At first I was still hat 32x17, but had to go to 32x19 or less to survive.
Had already to make a stop after 10 Km and there I thought , this would not go out well. The temperature was still at 41 C and had already seeable sunburns on my hands and arms. I rested there almost 1 hour, just in the hope the sun will be less strong. At around 16:00 I restarted and this was now realy though and a torture, muscles close to get real sour, sunburns and the wind still in front. In the middle between Sohna and Gurgaon I had to stop again , drinking Indian tea, normally I don’t like, because it is too sweet. The man over there were so nice in encouraging me … so instead of bringing pictures of Sohna . I would like to show my savers.
I arrived at around 18 in Gurgaon, Udyog Vihar and after shower, I felt asleep immediately.
Posted by
Pinus Silvestris
Labels: bicycle driving, Delhi, Gurgaon, Haryana Tourist, India, Sohna, Udyog Vihar
Rajana and Raju were neighbours in Bhangel villiage close to Nodia (sattelite city of Delhi) Despite Raju's history of crimes Rajana married him a few years ago. Raju was sent to jail in connection with a armed robbery and Ranjana, who doted him, actually studied law to get him released from prison. A month ago, Raju was sent out on bail.
On passed Wednesday, laywers on Nodia court struck work demanding that the police recover the body of Ranjana who practised incourt and was missing. Police investigation resulted in in a confession of Raj Kumar alisa Raju that he killed his wife in Faridabad , dumping her body in a dry well in Palwal. He then covered the body with dry grass, poured 5 l of Diesel and burned the body late on Wednesday night.
Raju told the police that he strangled his wife because her social status was higher than his and he wanted his wife to quit pratice.
Because of being Dalit and not being able to deposit 500 rupee as admission fee to a governemental hospital a pregnant woman, was sent away and had to deliver in a train.The woman's husband Vijay Kumar rushed on Thursday his wife to a community health centre, where nurses asked for 500 rupee for getting admitted. As he was unable to pay the couple was bluntly told to leave and the delivery had to take place in the train of Jhijak area of Kanpur
Posted by
Pinus Silvestris
Labels: admission, dalit, delivery, Jhijak, Kanpur, pregnant, Vijay Kumar
For the one who don't know: Gujarat is a state in India. Religious laws in India are made by the individual states. New rules have been published in the Gujarat Governement Gazette and are effiective since April 1 2008. From now on anyone wishing to convert to another religion, will have to tell the state governement, what is the reason and for how long they had been following the religion they are renouncing. Failing this will be declared offenders and and prosecuted under criminal laws. The law makes it obligatory for a priest seeking to convert someone to take district magistrate's permission to avoid prosecution and police action. The priest will have to sign a detailed form providing personal information on the person wishing to convert. Wether he/she is minor, scheduled/tribal,martial status, occupation and last but not least monthly income !!! Forced conversion will bring the priest 3 years behind bars. The rule stipulates that only after the governemental admiminstation has been given in one month from the time of application the priest will be allowed to make the conversion ceremony. Failure to apply would lead to 'prosecution for an offence" authorizing a police officer to start inquiring and a sub-divisional magistrate to prosecute the offender. The rules are silent on what happenes if the administration does not reply in one month and also if the believer just want to quit religion to become agnostic or non- religious. For those still thinking Hinduismus is a peacefull religion please look at this 2 min video , that might change your mind.
I realy dont understand why this news is not published in Western newspapers, we still honour India as the world- largest democracy, but freedom of religion is one of the basic elements of a democracy and in this " Freedom of Religion Act" everything is done to jeopardize one of the basic right of a democratic country. Please stop calling it like that. Additiona info on http://www.worthynews.com/christian/india-hindu-extremists-forcibly-re-convert-christians/ http://www.worthynews.com/christian/india-rajasthan-passes-new-anti-conversion-bill/ http://www.compassdirect.org/en/display.php?page=news&length=long&lang=en&idelement=5310
Posted by
Pinus Silvestris
Labels: administration, agnostic, freedom of region, Gujarat, India, non- religious, offence, presecution, priest, religion rules