Many people find it disgusting to stand on the platform at the railway stations because of the stench. But nobody asked the villagers getting the spray of the excrements, as a result of a speeding train and humans’ contribution. With the completion of the “green toilet” project. Due to the endorsement of the generous railway minister Lalu Prasad the project could be finalized in 3 years. It is not easy to understand, why the name “green toilet” project was selected. What is green? The toilets, the chemicals used. Preventing that nature gets natural finely dispersed dungeon, can hardly be called green, it is the reverse. Taking the chemicals into account I would have called it the blue project. Now please tourists don’t get desperate. All those who would like to drive with a traditional Indian Train ... On the left side the European style toilet (to be used not later than 1 h after start, while Indian gentleman dislike to rise the toilet seat before peeing during staying upright) and on the other side the classical Indian hole in the flour of the train, giving an intensive view of the conditions of the track…..3 Indian years can easily go up to 6 regular years, giving you enough time to plan your trip and see the summer spotted Indians along the railway tracks.
For the fanatics of figures: the manufacturing of a green toilet will be rs 60,000,correspobding to approx 1.000 €. An astonishing price, since only 6 months ago I bought a chemical, blue toilet in Portugal, for reasons I fail to understand now.... of coarse not meeting the harsh conditions as on Indian transport for 85 €, inclusive the chemicals for 6 months occasional use. So the Indian train toilet must be a special green technology product especialy developed for the intensive Indian use under most severe conditions and green was always a little more expensive than blue
Other figures:Installing the toilette in 40,000 trains would make 160,000 toilettes conform to Indian Times. But being a little familiar with Indian trains, each train has at least 20 coaches, if each coach as 4 toilets, this than makes not 160,000 toilettes but 3.2 mio. Under these circumstances, the summer spotted Indian along the track may prevail not for another 3 years but for another 60 years. Prost Mahlzeit.