India’s middle class is expected to grow from 5% in 2005 to 41% by 2025...
* An average Indian spends double of what he could in 1985; in the next 20 years, he will be able to spend four times what he does now
* India is the 12th largest consumer market in the world, but will move up to the 5th spot by 2025, behind only US, Japan, China and Britain.
These are the expectations but the actual truth does not look so promising , it is even alarming.
The the following the actual figures:
EMPLOYMENT- About 41% of the Indians are employed wuth 43% in rural areas and 35% in urban areas (normally we are used to see these figures from the other side .... this is an unemployment of approx 60% .... amazingly high)
- In rural Indai, more than half of those employed are self-employed. (that means they are farmers, that means they will loose there jobs soon as soon as tractors and other harvesting machines will come to application ). In urban area it is 43 %
- Avarage salary (I assume it is on daily base)
Rural Man Rs 138, woman Rs 87
Urban Man 205, woman 158
- Unemployment was highest among educated youth : 12% in rural and 16% inn urban India
- Higher education means more unemployment. The rate is lower among those with educational level of middle and primary school (this is completly cobntroverse to the situation has we are dealing with in Europe and shows the low degree of automation and tools coming to use)
- Literacy rate is 66% for males and 47 for females in rural areas. In urban areas the rates increases to 82% and 70% respectivly
- About 38% of the population in urban India and 32 % in rural India have dropped out of school.
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