27 April 2008


For the one who don't know: Gujarat is a state in India. Religious laws in India are made by the individual states. New rules have been published in the Gujarat Governement Gazette and are effiective since April 1 2008. From now on anyone wishing to convert to another religion, will have to tell the state governement, what is the reason and for how long they had been following the religion they are renouncing. Failing this will be declared offenders and and prosecuted under criminal laws. The law makes it obligatory for a priest seeking to convert someone to take district magistrate's permission to avoid prosecution and police action. The priest will have to sign a detailed form providing personal information on the person wishing to convert. Wether he/she is minor, scheduled/tribal,martial status, occupation and last but not least monthly income !!! Forced conversion will bring the priest 3 years behind bars. The rule stipulates that only after the governemental admiminstation has been given in one month from the time of application the priest will be allowed to make the conversion ceremony. Failure to apply would lead to 'prosecution for an offence" authorizing a police officer to start inquiring and a sub-divisional magistrate to prosecute the offender. The rules are silent on what happenes if the administration does not reply in one month and also if the believer just want to quit religion to become agnostic or non- religious. For those still thinking Hinduismus is a peacefull religion please look at this 2 min video , that might change your mind.
I realy dont understand why this news is not published in Western newspapers, we still honour India as the world- largest democracy, but freedom of religion is one of the basic elements of a democracy and in this " Freedom of Religion Act" everything is done to jeopardize one of the basic right of a democratic country. Please stop calling it like that. Additiona info on http://www.worthynews.com/christian/india-hindu-extremists-forcibly-re-convert-christians/ http://www.worthynews.com/christian/india-rajasthan-passes-new-anti-conversion-bill/ http://www.compassdirect.org/en/display.php?page=news&length=long&lang=en&idelement=5310

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