22 June 2007


National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) is conducting a study at a cost of some 100,000 euro to look at the potential hazards of white asbestos (Chrystolite). This is now very ridiculous since the asbestos discussion was already started some 30 years ago in the US and Europe with the final result that asbestos is defined and worldwide recognized as a cancerogenic and even a single cristal e.g. in the lungs can provoke a cancer. The result was also that for enormeous cost buildings had to come down or had to be sanatized for millions of dollars because there roofs or insulating materials contained asbestos. All covers of brakes of cars had to be changed and assurance agencies are paying billions of dollars to people formerly exposed to asbestos.
But now India , having no money to keep there existing streets in order , provide electricity and water on a regular base to his population has to repeat this research. And this in a country where even for the weather forecast they rely more on the stipulations of western forecast than on the Indian, admitting that the sensors, equipment and software tools they are using are less adequate.
What is even more astonishing is that the Asbestos Cement Products Manufacturers Association will contribute with some 32,000 euro to this investigation. That is as the tobacco industry would contribute to the investigation of the danger of smoking.
WHY not using the money to recapitulate the evaluation of the risk of the use of DDT to fight malaria and dengue instead of repeating measurements already performed years ago with less efficient measurment tools.

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