09 June 2007

Surya Namaskar

I was looking already for a while to find the different poses of Surya Namaskar, especially I never find any illustrations, how to get from one pose to the other.Now I finally find ! In the following link you will find a very good oveview of the 12 poses and the transitions:http://www.medindia.net/animation/Surya_Namaskar.asp
This is specially recommended to a Person in MG in Pt, doing this each morning will strenghten her in her fight against Lurdes and Socrates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ye i shall start those exercises in the morning. Lurdes could not kill me although she tried hard. Endurance is something we get from a lifetime teaching kids and young people. But these exercises will help, i am sure, breathing is very important.

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